
Travel around the world and show all fascists, racists, despots and conspiracy theorists that they are on the wrong track and that only standing up against fascism can make our world better!

If you come to it, visit one of them, for example Donnie, Erdo or Kim and what they are all called and convert them.

CardFor years HyppoderEinzige and Skrolan3 have been fans of the "Hooligans gegen Satzbau", also HoGeSatzbau, an initiative that uses satire and irony on social media platforms to fight against nationalist statements.

The initiative was launched in October 2014 as a reaction to the group "Hooligans gegen Salafisten" (HoGeSa), whose members had engaged in street battles with the police in Cologne, originally under the same abbreviation HoGeSa. It offered "German Correction" in "black-white-red rune look" and promoted the book "Die Endlösung der Dudenfrage".

The group describes itself as an "initiative against right-writing" and explains

„Right-writing (the): The so-called right-writing is an increasingly widespread form of verbal brutalization - especially in social networks. It is characterized by inhuman content, sometimes excessive national pride, acceptance of violence and insults. These characteristics are often accompanied by a disregard for all common grammar rules. Right-writing is found in parts in all politically extreme camps, but preferably in the right spectrum. It is an overarching social phenomenon and a growing problem.“

Hooligans Gegen Satzbau is co-responsible for the organization Stay Behind Foundation, which among other things distributed photos of satirical advertising posters about AfD. After the AfD Hamburg called on the information portal Neutrale Schulen Hamburg to report teacher violations of the neutrality law, Hooligans Gegen Satzbau reported on pizza orders received and other satirical actions against the AfD portal. In addition, the initiative launched the website with the Stay Behind Foundation, on which teachers were to be reported for right-wing populist statements threatening democracy. However, the organisation made it clear that this was a satire action and that no real reports were being collected.

In September 2016, they were awarded the audience award of the Smart Hero Awards, which are jointly presented by Facebook, the Digital Opportunities Foundation and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. They used the awards ceremony to remind Facebook in a media-effective manner of their obligation to deal with the spreading hate culture on the Internet. Facebook would not recognize many hate comments as such. Their initiative could be superfluous if Facebook were to act. They did not accept the prize money of 2,500 euros, but gave it to the runner-up Enough is Enough.

Hooligans Gegen Satzbau currently has around 180,000 Facebook followers and 19,000 Twitter followers. (Status 07/2020) Their homepage has about 10,000 website visitors every day.

In 2020 the ANTIFAmily-Card came on stage, which you hold here in your hands. A part of the proceeds of the sale goes to EXIT, the drop-out programme for right-wing extremists.

A self-commitment

With the possession of the ANTIFAmily©-Card you commit yourself unmistakably to basic and human rights!

You commit yourself to stand up against racism, fascism and exclusion and to respect every human being equally - no matter what denomination, skin colour, origin, language or sexual orientation etc.

If someone feels compelled to support this request, he/she/divers can do so, more information is available


Source: Wikipedia

Translated by DEEPL