Actually we wanted to repeat last year's event breakfast on Australia Day 2019, but first of all it's different and secondly it's not what you think!

First problem: Australia Day 2019 would be January 26th, but we don't have a room because of other occupancies -> Change of location

Second problem: A change of location would mean a massive limitation of the number of participants, as we would have to have breakfast in or in front of our apartment -> change of time

Third problem: The time change to the afternoon is prevented by our usual second hobby problem, I only say HGS.

So there is just another motto for our breakfast at a different time and then we found the perfect day, 5-34-331

OK, all that has nothing to say, all just accessories, listing filling material

So now it's clear that we're offering this event. These are the key data:

Sunday, 03 February 2018
Start at 10:00 a.m.
Duration about 2 hours

We think you can handle the park coordinates and the access coordinates as cachers. The number of participants is limited to 30, as always:

"Who comes first, grinds first", so sign up, who comes too late is allowed on the waiting list.

There is still some dough left from the collection box of the last events, so we want to contribute to this "3rd February Breakfast Event" as well:

If anyone else has any clever ideas to bring along, they are welcome to do so, please include them in the message for coordination purposes.

We hope our idea will be well received and we can welcome one or the other cacher here.

HyppoderEinzige and Skrolan3


Oh yes, for all those who are still puzzling about the funny name of the event, I'm just giving them enlightenment now:

The event date is in the 5th week of the year 2019, is on the 34th day of the same year and there are still 331 days until the end of the year!